Be True to Yourself

I want to start this post by giving you the permission you’ve been looking for to do what feels right to you, despite what others, including societal norms, say.


Something hit me in May of 2021. Well, many things did and I’ll get into each of them in their own blog post. I haven’t written a post for a while because what I was learning from entrepreneur guides or business gurus is that in order to grow a business, you need to focus on posting mostly about your niche, so not to confuse your audience. So I felt like I had to ignore my desire to write about any topic that I felt called to write about, and focus only on personal finance education. I thoroughly enjoy the short form content I create around personal finances, but writing a whole blog about it weekly doesn’t excite me. So I chose to write nothing at all. Why? Because some people on the internet told me not to. I mean that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but this is what I’ve learned from people who have supposedly grown a business into something monetarily impressive, so I must need to listen to them, right?

Why in the heck did I feel the need to listen to people I don’t know, whose ethics and morals and motivations very well might not be in alignment with mine? Additionally, the reason for starting my personal finance education business and continuing to spend my free time on it can be summed up in one word: service. My sole focus is not to make money, though that is a component of every business, mine included. My sole focus is to provide education around personal finances so that I can help people take control of their money. I have seen the positive impact of doing this in my own life and I want to share that with others. Plus, I’m an accountant who loves money and numbers so it fulfills my inner geek. However, that’s not all that I’m passionate about.

I have a love for travel, food, creativity, fitness, personal development, writing, business, entrepreneurship, psychology, learning, and of course my dog Joey. I am not only passionate about educating on personal finances, but on the need for transparency, authenticity, ethics, and honesty in business and in how we communicate with others. I have experience as a single woman in her late 30’s who recently had a pretty cool realization about what she wants the rest of her life to look like. I’m open about my challenges with binge eating, weight, body image, and anxiety. Just like you, there’s a lot to me! I want to share it all, because I know that sharing our life stories and experiences will touch others and help them to realize they are not alone in what they’re going through. I know that sharing openly and authentically inspires others to live this way too and that it feels so much better than living incongruently to our true desires.

So here’s to living life on our own terms. Doing what makes us feel truly fulfilled while having a positive impact on the world and those around us. This is what I’m about and I’m excited to share so much more with y’all! Now go out and do that thing that you’re scared to do but know that you need to do in order to be authentic to yourself.


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